Conservation and Restoration of Forest and Generation of Sustainable Income for Communities

REDD+ Project in Tete Province in Mozambique

Mopane regeneration in Moatize district

Our project stops deforestation, restore forest and biodiversity, and generate more sustainable income for communities

Nature-based Solutions by REDD, ARR, and ALM projects

Neem tree

Our REDD+ project aims to conserve and restore forest, by which communities benefit alternative and more sustainable income from forest products such as honey, fruit, nuts, nature-based fertilizers, and carbon credit, substituting income from charcoal production and unsustainable use of natural resources.

The project is located in Moatize, Changara, Marara, Cahora Bassa, and Chiuta districts, where Mopane forest dominates at the lower elevation with islands of Miombo forest. Due to commercial logging, slash and burn agriculture and charcoal production, forest area was reuced from 49.1% (2013) to 35.6% (2023), or 44,255 ha of forest were destroyed every year.

This project was registered in Ministry of Land and Environment in Mozambique, and Manaky completed the Project Description Document (PDD) on November 2024 for obtaining a license. 

Baseline: Forest Coverage in 2013 – 2023

Benefits of the Project

Environmental Benefits: this project encourages communities to conserve forest, stopping unsustainable charcoal production, and reduce CO2 emission, facilitate conservation and restoration of forest and biodiversity. Our target is to reduce 1 million t CO2 annually by conservation and restoration of forest and improved agriculture management.

Generation of Sustainable Income and Employment and Promotion of Industry:  the project generates sustainable income from forest products and carbon credits. In addition, we generate employment for the operation of project and promote processing of forest products.  

Improvement of Soil Fertility and Modern Agriculture to Prevent Deforestation: this project intend to prevent the unplanned expansion of agricultural land and traditional slash and burn, and settle agricultural land by nature-based fertilizers, the creation of land use plan, and trainings.

Empowerment of  Women: this project gives women equal opportunity to employment, access to agricultural inputs and forest products, agroforestry business, participation in community meetings and benefits from carbon credits. We ensure at least 40% of employment and project participation to women.

You can make a difference through donation, fundraising or volunteering.

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